现任上海海洋大学经济管理学院院长、教授、博士生导师。兼任中国林牧渔业经济学会副会长、渔业经济与政策专业委员会副主任委员、全国养殖渔情专家组成员、国家海水鱼产业技术体系产业经济岗位科学家及执行专家组成员、上海市渔业经济研究会会长、上海海洋大学学术委员会委员,《中国渔业经济》《上海海洋大学学报》及《水产科学》等期刊编委及《农业经济问题》《农业技术经济》多家学术期刊审稿人,上海市级优秀教学团队负责人。曾获中华农业科教基金会优秀教材奖、宝钢教育基金优秀教师、上海市优秀青年教师、上海市育才奖等荣誉称号和奖项。主要研究产业经济政策、水产养殖经济、渔业生态与环境经济,主持国家自然科学基金等省部级及以上科研项目多项,著有《论个体可转让配额制度交易成本》《穿越转型的漩涡——中国鲆鲽类养殖经济研究》等专著,编有《渔业资源与环境经济学》等教材,在《农业经济问题》《农业技术经济》、Marine Policy、Trends in Food Science & Technology等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文150余篇。
[1]Huiyu Kang, Zhengyong Yang, Zhiyi Zhang, 2023. The competitiveness of China’s seaweed products in the international market from 2002 to 2017. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 8: 579–586.
[2]Xuan Xu, Zhengyong Yang,2022. Does aquatic products trade waste or save water resources? An analysis of virtual water trade. WATER POLICY, 24(2): 305-323.
[3]Diedhiou, I., Yang, Z., Ndour, M., Dème, M., Fall, M., Thiaw, M., Thiam, N., Li, S., 2019. Socioeconomic dimension of the octopus “Octopus vulgaris” in the context of fisheries management of both small-scale and industrial fisheries in Senegal. Marine Policy, 1-11.
[4]Diedhiou, I., Yang, Z., Dème, M., Li, S., 2019. A synopsis of economic and management performance of the Senegalese deep-water pink shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) fishery. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 01-05.
[5]Pingping Cang, Zhengyong Yang, Yu Duan, 2018. The Economies of Scale of Turbot Industrial Running Water Aquaculture System in China: A Case from Shandong Province. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 18: 167-173.
[6]Diedhiou, I., Yang, Z., 2018. Senegal's fisheries policies: Evolution and performance. Ocean & Coastal Management 165: 1-8.
[7]Zhang Yingli, Yang Zhengyong, Zhang Di, Shen Xin, 2018. Research on the Demand and Availability of Formal Loan in Aquaculture - Taking the Flatfish Farmers as an Example, International Journal of Food Engineering,4(03):227-233.
[8]Zhang Yingli, Zhang Weihua, Shen Xin, Yang Zhengyong,2018. Economic and environmental efficiency of turbot farming-taking flowing water farming as an example, IPPTA: Quarterly Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association, 2(30):42-49.
[9]Sheng Li, Zhengyong Yang, Denis Nadolnyak, et al. 2016. Economic impacts of climate change: profitability of freshwater aquaculture in China. Aquaculture Research, 47, 1537–1548.
[10]Zhengyong Yang, Sheng Li, Boou Chen, Huiyu Kang, Minghong Huang,2016. China’s Aquatic Product Processing Industry: Policy Evolution and Economic Performance. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 58:149-154.
[11]Yang Zhengyong, Zhang Xinzheng, Han Zhenfang,2014. Tang Keyong. Food Supply Values and Their Factors of Three Pond Aquaculture Ecosystems: A Case Study of Shanghai, Asian Agricultural Research, 6(08):1-8.
[7]张钰研,杨正勇.技术推广对农业产出的影响——以全雌化牙鲆苗种推广为例.产业经济研究.2013 (4): 43-50.
[8]杨正勇,吴燕,谢童伟等.鲆鲽类贸易量与价格变化的相互影响分析.价格与理论实践. 2013 (4): 61-62.
[6] 杨正勇,叶志彬,王春晓等.水产养殖业正规贷款差异性研究——以鲆鲽类养殖业中小型养殖生产者为例.中国农学通报.2015,31 (5):265-271.
[7]杨正勇,范晓赟,唐克勇等.计数模型在池塘养殖游憩服务价值评估中的应用. 中国农业生态学报.2014,1:124-130.
[8]杨正勇,杨怀宇.关于推进长江流域渔业生态补偿制度建设的思考.渔业信息与战略. 2013,2: 99-106.
[10]杨正勇,黄书培.中国牙鲆养殖的成本收益分析.中国渔业经济, 2012.5:55-62.
[1]杨正勇,张新铮,杨怀宇.基于生态系统服务价值的池塘养殖生态补偿政策研究——以上海地区为例. 生态经济.2015,31(003): 151-156.
[2]杨正勇,张新铮.上海地区池塘养殖户生态补偿参与意愿影响因素研究.上海海洋大学学报.2015, 24(3): 472-480.
[3]杨正勇,唐克勇,杨怀宇,范晓赟.池塘养殖生态服务价值的空间差异研究—以上海地区为例.中国生态农业学报,2013.2 :217-226.
[7]杨怀宇,王春晓,郭宗香,杨正勇等.池塘养殖生态系统空气调节服务价值的实证研究. 长江流域资源与环境,2009,05:432-438.
[11]杨正勇. 浅谈生态上海建设中都市型现代渔业的作用和发展思路.水产科技情报.2007,04:147-150+154.
[13]杨正勇,潘小弟.生态渔业的主要模式.生态经济,2001,03: 25-27.
[2]杨正勇.论渔业资源与环境经济学的研究体系,高等农业教育, 2011.9:63-65.
[4]杨怀宇,杨正勇.基于投资组合模型的海岸带土地利用效率研究——以上海临港新城围垦区为例.自然资源学报.2015,30(2) 208-217.
[6]杨正勇,梁文静.中国食品安全监管问题研究.云南社会科学, 2007,06:102-106.
[8]杨正勇.我国海洋渔业资源管理中个体可转让配额制度交易成本的影响因素分析——Williamson的视角.海洋开发与管理, 2006, 06: 150-153.
[10]杨正勇,潘军昌.关于我国绿色食品开发的初步研究.农村经济, 1998,05:27-29.
Yang Zhengyong
Professor / Ph.D. supervisor/ Head of College of Economics and Management in Shanghai Ocean University
Research Interests: Aquaculture economy, Fishery ecology and environmental economy,Industrial sustainable development
Email : zyyang@shou.edu.cn
Phone: 15692165630
Professor Yang is a Ph.D. adviser, and currently the head of College of Economics and Management in Shanghai Ocean University. He is also the deputy secretary general of China Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery, the executive deputy secretary general of the Fisheries Economics Committee, the member of the National Aquaculture Fisheries Expert Group, the member of the Academic Committee of Shanghai Ocean University, the industrial economic post scientist of the National Marine Fish Industry Technology System, and a member of the Executive Expert Group. He has won honorary titles and awards such as the Excellent Teaching Materials Award of China Agriculture Science and Education Foundation, outstanding teachers of Baogang Education Fund, outstanding young teachers of Shanghai, and Shanghai Yucai Award. It mainly studies industrial economic policies, aquaculture economy, fishery ecology and environmental economy, and presides over a few provincial and ministerial level research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation.
Publication in English
[1]Huiyu Kang, Zhengyong Yang, Zhiyi Zhang, 2023. The competitiveness of China’s seaweed products in the international market from 2002 to 2017. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 8: 579–586.
[2]Xuan Xu, Zhengyong Yang,2022. Does aquatic products trade waste or save water resources? An analysis of virtual water trade. WATER POLICY, 24(2): 305-323.
[3]Diedhiou, I., Yang, Z., Ndour, M., Dème, M., Fall, M., Thiaw, M., Thiam, N., Li, S., 2019. Socioeconomic dimension of the octopus “Octopus vulgaris” in the context of fisheries management of both small-scale and industrial fisheries in Senegal. Marine Policy, 1-11.
[4]Diedhiou, I., Yang, Z., Dème, M., Li, S., 2019. A synopsis of economic and management performance of the Senegalese deep-water pink shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) fishery. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 01-05.
[5]Pingping Cang, Zhengyong Yang, Yu Duan, 2018. The Economies of Scale of Turbot Industrial Running Water Aquaculture System in China: A Case from Shandong Province. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 18: 167-173.
[6]Diedhiou, I., Yang, Z., 2018. Senegal's fisheries policies: Evolution and performance. Ocean & Coastal Management 165: 1-8.
[7]Zhang Yingli, Yang Zhengyong, Zhang Di, Shen Xin, 2018. Research on the Demand and Availability of Formal Loan in Aquaculture - Taking the Flatfish Farmers as an Example, International Journal of Food Engineering,4(03):227-233.
[8]Zhang Yingli, Zhang Weihua, Shen Xin, Yang Zhengyong,2018. Economic and environmental efficiency of turbot farming-taking flowing water farming as an example, IPPTA: Quarterly Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association, 2(30):42-49.
[9]Sheng Li, Zhengyong Yang, Denis Nadolnyak, et al. 2016. Economic impacts of climate change: profitability of freshwater aquaculture in China. Aquaculture Research, 47, 1537–1548.
[10]Zhengyong Yang, Sheng Li, Boou Chen, Huiyu Kang, Minghong Huang,2016. China’s Aquatic Product Processing Industry: Policy Evolution and Economic Performance. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 58:149-154.
[11]Yang Zhengyong, Zhang Xinzheng, Han Zhenfang,2014. Tang Keyong. Food Supply Values and Their Factors of Three Pond Aquaculture Ecosystems: A Case Study of Shanghai, Asian Agricultural Research, 6(08):1-8.
Publication in Chinese
Industrial economic policy:
[1]Peng Lewei, Yang Zhengyong, Yan Zhoufu, Zhang Di. Research on efficiency measurement and influencing factors of aquatic technology extension in China, Statistics and Decision,202,38(11):78-82.
[2]Liu Dong, Peng Lewei, Zhang Di, Yang Zhengyong. Analysis on resource - environment - economic coupling development of mariculture industry in China. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,202,31(05):1317-1324.
[3]Peng Lewei, Yan Zhoufu, Yang Zhengyong. Study on the Evaluation and Obstacle Factors of China's fishery Modernization from the perspective of New Development Concept. Bulletin of Oceanology and Limnology,202,44(03):166-175.
[4]Yang Zhengyong, Liu Dong, Peng Lewei. Green development of mariculture in China: Level measurement, regional comparison and development countermeasures. Ecological Economy, 201,37(11):128-135.Zhang Ying-li, Yang Zheng-yong. Dynamic Analysis of Mechanism of Financial Development and Urbanization on Urban-Rural Income Gap. Statistics & Decision, 2018, 34(05): 84-88.
[5]Zhang Yingli, Yang Zhengyong. Research on Rural Development Problems and Basic under the New Economic Normal . Agricultural Economy.2018(02):9-11.
[6]Zhang YuYan, Yang Zheng-Yong(2013).Impacts of Extended Agricultural Technologies on Agricultural Yield:Evidence from All-female Paralichthys Olivaceus. Journal of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics.2013(4): 43-50.
[7]Yang Zhengyong; Wu Yan; Xie Tongwei. Analysis of the Interaction between Trade Volume and Price Change. Price Theory and Practice. 2013 (4): 61-62.
[8]REN Ai-jing,YANG Zheng-yong,DAI Ya-juan,WANG Fang-fang(2012). Research on aquatic product demand forecasting in China. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2012.1:145-15.
[9]Yang Zhengyong, Guo Hongyi, Zhang Yuyan. Technical innovation and promotion strategies for scorpion seedlings——Based on the research of producers' technical needs. Fisheries Information and Strategy. 2012.3: 183-188.
[10]Guo Zongxiang, Li Wei, Dai Yajuan, Zhang Haiqing, Yang Zhengyong.A Study on the Value Chain of Freshwater Aquaculture Aquatic Products in Shanghai.Agricultural Economic Issues.2009,06:40-45.
[11]YANG Zheng-Yong, PANYing-Jie. Construction of urban modern fishery in Shanghai. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture,2008,03:760-765.
[12]YANG Zheng-yong, SHEN Xue-da, PAN Ying-jie. A Study on the Modern Urban Fisheries of Shanghai. Ecological Economy.2007,04:119-123.
[13]Yang Zhengyong, Zhu Xiaoli. On the Transformation of Fisheries Economic Growth Mode from Linear to Cyclical.Pacific Journal,2007,04:87-94.
[14]SHEN Xue-da, YANG Zheng-yong, PAN Ying-jie. The Current Situation of Fishery Industry Structure in Shanghai and its Counter Measures. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University,2007,06:597-601.
[15]Yang Zhengyong, Shen Xueda, Wu Fahua. On the role of local fishermen's associations in the sustainable development of marine fisheries in China - the enlightenment from the fishing association of Laoba Port Town, Hai'an. Fisheries Economic Research, 2006, 04:8-14.
[16]Yang Zhengyong, Shen Xueda. On the impact of fishery natural resource characteristics on the transaction cost of ITQ system. China Fisheries Economy, 2005, 05: 28-31.
[17]Yang Zhengyong. On the impact of the bycatch of China's fisheries on the transaction costs of individual transferable quota systems (ITQs). Productivity Research, 2005, 10: 53-56.
[18]Yang Zhengyong. On the non-point source of endogenous pollution in fisheries and its environmental economic policy. Productivity Research, 2004, 09: 28-30.
[19]Yang Zhengyong, Ge Guanghua.Institutional Economics Thinking on Technological Progress in the Process of Fishery Industrialization. Agricultural technology economy,2000,03:29-31.
[20]Yang Zhengyong, Pan Xiaodi. Implementing the international standard of ISO14000 environmental management system and improving the international competitiveness of China's aquatic products. China Aquatic Products, 2000, 08: 13-12.
[21]Yang Zhengyong, Chen Huihui, Pan Xiaodi. Institutional Economics Thinking on Fishery Industrialization. Fisheries Economic Research, 2000, 04: 2-4+8.
[22]Yang Zhengyong, Jin Xiuying. Implementing Green Marketing and Realizing Sustainable Development. Township Economy Research. 1999, 02: 50-51.
Aquaculture economics:
[1]WANG Wei-bo,YANG Zheng-yong. Development, current situation and influencing factors of China's flatfish fingerling industry.2020,03:90-98.
[2]LIU Yue,YANG Zheng-yong. Exploration of pricing power of Chinese aquatic products in the international market: take the example of lates calcarifer exported to Malaysian market. 2020,02:84-90+118.
[3]LIAO Kai,ZHANG Ying-li, YANG Zheng-yong,et al. Comparative analysis of the economic efficiency of Chinese sea perch farming industry. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 2018, 27(04): 508-514.
[4]CAO Zi-qiang, YANG Zheng-yong.Regional brand construction of turbot farming industry in China:a perspective of industrial agglomeration.Journal of Shanghai Ocean University,2017.1:154-159.
[5]WANG Weibo, LI Jiaying, YANG Zheng-yong. Benefits comparison of different Chinese flatfish fingerling industrial chain modes. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University.2016.6:954-960.
[6]Yang Zhengyong, Ye Zhibin, Wang Chunxiao,et al.The Difference Research of Formal Loan in Aquaculture——Taking the Small and Medium Aquaculture Producers in Flatfish Aquaculture as An Example.Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin,31(5):265-271.
[7]Yang Zhengyong, Fan Xiaotong, Tang Keyong et al. Application of counting model in the evaluation of pond culture recreational service value. Chinese Journal of Agroecology. 2014, 1:124-130.
[8]Yang Zhengyong, Yang Huaiyu. Reflections on promoting the construction of fishery ecological compensation system in the Yangtze River Basin. Fisheries Information and Strategy. 2013, 2: 99-106.
[9]GUO Hong-hu, YANG Zheng-yong.Economic analysis on high added value mariculture———Case of tongue sole.Guangdong Agricultural Sciences, 2013, 03: 141-147.
[10]TANG Keyong,YANG Zhengyong, YANG Huaiyu, FAN Xiaoyun(2012). Environmental cost of pond aquiculture in Shanghai:an empirical analysis based on double-bounded dichotomous CVM method. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2012,7:2212-2222.
[11]YANG Zheng-yong, Huang Shu-pei. Cost-Benefits analysis of Bastard halibut aquaculture in China. Chinese Fisheries Economics, 2012.05:55-62.
[12]Yang Zhengyong. Connotation, obstacles and development countermeasures of aquaculture industrialization in China . China Fisheries. 2012, 05: 26-31.
[13]YANG Zheng-yong, HUANG Shu-pei.Aquaculture economics literature review. Chinese Fisheries Economics, (04):166-176.
[14]YANG Zheng-yong, WANG Chun-xiao.On the development of flatfish aquaculture industry of China: a global perspective. Chinese Fisheries Economics,2009,06:115-121.
[15]YANG Zheng-yong, ZHU Xiao-li, LIANG Wen-jing. Study on the Total Nitrogen Pollution and Its Environmental Costs in Aquaculture Industry——A Positive Study on Water Conversation Area of Dianshanhu Lake. Ecological Economy,2007,10:83-86+139.
[16]Yang Zhengyong,Guo Canhua,Chen Qingyuan. A Study on the Environmental Problems in Aquicultural Industry of China. Ecological Economy,2002,10:44-46.0.978,0.486.
Fishery ecological and environmental economics:
[1]YANG Zheng-yong,ZHANG Xinzheng, YANG Huaiyu.Coastal Land Use Efficiency Based on the Portfolio Model:A Case of Reclaimed Area of Lingang New City, Shanghai. Journal of Natural Resources.2015,31(003): 151-156.
[2]YANG Zhengyong, ZHANG Xinzheng. Factors of fish farmers’ willingness to participate in ecological payment-a case study of pond aquaculture in Shanghai. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University.2015, 24(3): 472-480.
[3]Yang Zhengyong, Tang Keyong, Yang Huaiyu, Fan Xiaoyu. Spatial Differences in the Value of Pond Eco-Services: A Case Study of Shanghai Region. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2013.2: 217-226.
[4]YANG Huai-yu,TANG Ke-yong,FAN Xiao-yun,YANG Zheng-yong. Approaches to Assessment of Environmental Costs of Eutrophication of Aquaculture Ponds—A Case Study of a Conventional Fish Pond in Qingpu Shanghai. Rural Eco-Environment,2012,1:26-31.
[5]Yang Huaiyu, Li Wei, Yang Zhengyong. Evaluation of the Service Value of Pond Aquaculture Ecosystem——Taking Conventional Fish Culture in Qingpu District of Shanghai as an Example.Resources Science.2011,33(3):575-581.
[6]Li Sheng, Yang Zheng-Yong, Yang Huai-Yu, et al. Study on the Ecosystem Service Value of Micro-Climate Regulation Service of Pond Aquaculture System. Chinese Fisheries Economics.2010.4:432-437.
[7]Yang Huai-Yu , Wang Chun-Xiao , Yang Zheng-Yong ,Et Al. Study On The Value Of Gas Regulation Service Of Pond Aquaculture Ecosystem. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin ,2009,05:432-438.
[8]YANG Zheng-Yong, YANG Huai-Yu, GUO Zong-Xiang. A literature review on evaluation of agricultural ecosystem services. A literature review on evaluation of agricultural ecosystem services,2009,05:1045-1050.
[9]Yang Zhengyong. The efficiency mechanism of cooperative management to promote the sustainable development of the fishing industry——based on the perspective of transaction cost. Journal of the Pacific, 2009, 03:78-85.
[10]Yang Zhengyong, Li Sheng. Views on the sustainable development of the fishing industry. Fisheries Economic Research. 2008, 05: 19-23.
[11]Yang Zhengyong. On the Construction of Fisheries Economic Management Discipline. Higher Agricultural Education,,2009,03:78-85.
[12]Yang Zhengyong. On the role and development of urban modern fisheries in the construction of ecological Shanghai. Aquatic Science and Technology Information. 2007, 04: 147-150+154.
[13]Yang Zhengyong, Pan Xiaodi. Key Mode of Ecological Fishery. Ecological Economy,2001,03: 25-27.
[14]Yang Zhengyong, Shi Junying. Economic Analysis of China's Aquatic Product Quality Issues. China Fisheries Economics Research, 2000, 04: 20-21.
[15]Yang Zhengyong, Shi Junying, Wang Qiang. Prevention and control of water pollution and sustainable use of fishery resources. Ecological Economy, 2000, 07: 20-22.
Construction of the discipline of fishery economic management
[1]Yang Zhengyong. Reflections on the construction of fishery economics with Chinese characteristics . China Fisheries Economy,2020,06:1-6.
[2]Yang Zhengyong. On the research system of fishery resources and environmental economics . Higher Agricultural Education,2011.9:63-65.
Other fields:
[1]Yang Zhengyong, Chen Boyou, Liao Kai. Product Quality Premium Measurement and Its Application Analysis——Taking the Measurement of Export Aquatic Product Quality Premium as an Example. Price Theory and Practice, 2018(11):79-82.
[2]CHEN Bo-ou, ZHANG Di, YANG Zheng-yong.An Analysis of the International Competitiveness of Exported Aquatic Products of China.Prices Monthly,2018(04):80-85.
[3]Yang Zhengyong, Hou Xige. Evolutionary Game Analysis of Food Traceability System and Its Subject Behavior.Shandong Social Sciences.2016.4:132-137.
[4]YANG Huai-yu;YANG Zheng-yong.Coastal Land Use Efficiency Based on the Portfolio Model:A Case of Reclaimed Area of Lingang New City, Shanghai.Journal of Natural Resources.2015,30(2) 208-217.
[5]Yang Zhengyong. Evolution and Performance of the Fishing Cooperative System——A Survey Based on the East China Sea Region.Journal of Pacific Ocean .2008,04:64-71.
[6]Yang Zhengyong, Liang Wenjing. Research on China's Food Safety Supervision Issues.Yunnan Social Sciences, 2007,06:102-106.
[7]YANG Zheng-yong. Literature Review on the Economics Study on the Individual Transferable Quota System. Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition).2006,01:40-45.
[8]Yang Zhengyong. Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Transaction Cost of Individual Transferable Quota System in China's Marine Fishery Resources Management—Williamson's Perspective.Ocean Development and Management,2006,06: 150-153.
[9]YANG Zheng-yong, ZHU Wei-wei , SHI Jun-ying,et al. On the efficiency of the individual transferable quota system. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University,2005,04:4432-4436.
[10]Yang Zhengyong, Pan Junchang. A preliminary study on the development of green food in China. Rural Economy, 1998, 05: 27-29.