联系方式: 021-61900851
1.何羽丰,陈廷贵*,刘子飞,李琴. 长江禁捕补偿政策对渔户生计的影响—以长江中下游为例[J].长江流域资源与环境,2023,32(2):311-323.
2.He, Y.; Chen, T*. Does the 10-Year Fishing Ban Compensation Policy in the Yangtze River Basin Improve the Livelihoods of Fishing Households? Evidence from Ma’anshan City, China. Agriculture, 2022, 12, 2088. (SCI Q1)https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12122088
3.陈廷贵,陈宏飞,何羽丰. 生计资本和社会排斥:长江禁捕补偿政策对渔民生计影响机理研究[J/OL]. 中国农业资源与区划,2022
4.陈廷贵,李燕萍. 情理与法理:农户分化视角下农地调整意愿研究[J/OL]. 中国农业资源与区划,2022
5.Chen, T., & Wang, H. (2022). Consumers' purchase intention of wild freshwater fish during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Agribusiness, 2022,1–18. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21756 (SSCI)
6.王婵,陈廷贵*,刘增金*.虚拟嵌入视角下农户社交电商参与行为及其影响研究——以陕西设施冬枣为例[J].农业现代化研究,2022, 43(4): 000-000.
7.Chuyi Shen, Tinggui Chen*, Impact of fuel subsidies on bottom trawl fishery operation in China, Marine Policy, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2022.104977. (SSCI)
9.Tinggui Chen, Hui Wang, Consumers' purchase intention of wild freshwater fish in China from the perspective of ecological protection, British Food Journal, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-05-2021-0596. (SCI)
11.陈廷贵,仲艳秋. 新冠肺炎疫情下进口海鲜消费情况研究[J].世界农业,2021(10):14-22
12.Tinggui Chen, Yan Wang ,Caleb Gardner, Feng Wu, Threats and Protection Policies of the Aquatic Biodiversity in the Yangtze River, the Journal for Nature Conservation, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnc.2020.125931. (SCI)
14.CHEN Ting-gui, LIN Gan and YABE Mitsuyasu, Impact of Outward FDI on Firms’ Productivity over the Food Industry: Evidence from China, China Agricultural Economic Review. 2019,11(4): 655-671.(SSCI)
16.T. Chen, M. Liu, Y. Takahashi, J.D. Mullen, G.C.W. Ames, Carbon emission reduction and cost–benefit of methane digester systems on hog farms in China, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2016, 59(6): 948-966. (SSCI)
17.陈廷贵,黄波.日本良好农业规范的实践与启示,世界农业,2010, 62-65
18.陳廷貴,胡柏.中国の大規模果樹経営の発展と経営戦略,農林業問題研究,2006,42(1): 197-201
19.陳廷貴,胡柏.中国の畜産業における規模経営の展開と規定要因―養豚とブロイラーを事例として―,開発学研究,2006,17(2): 24-32
20.陳廷貴,胡柏,大隈満.大規模農業法人経営発展のメカニズムに関する一考察,農業経営研究,2005,43(3): 33-43
21.陳廷貴,中川聰七郎.第二次農家生産請負責任制に関する農家の意識調査―中国重慶市広陽鎮と什邡市南泉鎮を事例として―,農村計画学会誌,2004,22(4): 289-298
1.陳廷貴等、耕種農家の環境意識と液肥利用条件(第11章)。《高水分バイオマスの液肥利用—環境影響評価と日中欧の比較》(矢部光保编著)、筑波書房、ISBN 978-4-8119-0454-2,2014。
2.Tinggui Chen and Min Song, Situation and Determinants of A Agro-Environment (Chapter 3).Food Safety and the Agro-Environment in China: the Perceptions and Behaviours of Farmers and Consumers (Teruaki Nanseki and Min Song), INTECH, ISBN978-953-51-1000-2, 2013.
3.陈廷贵等著。《中日良好农业规范的经济学分析》,中国农业出版社,ISBN 978-7-109-18033-8,2013。撰写前言和第4、5、7、9章。
4.宋敏等编著。《日本环境友好型农业研究》,中国农业出版社,ISBN 978-7-109-14731-7, 2010。撰写良好农业规范和食品信息追溯系统(第五章)、环境友好型农业先进事例(第11章)、“稻鸭共作”农户(第13章)
5.宋敏、陈廷贵等编著。《日本农业推广体系的演变和现状》,中国农业出版社,ISBN 978-7-109-14174-2, 2009。撰写第1、3、5、7章。
6.宋敏、陈廷贵、刘丽军著。《中国土地制度的经济学分析》,中国农业出版社,ISBN 978-7-109-12881-1, 2008。撰写第7章。
Contact Information
Name: Tinggui Chen
Title / Position: Vice Dean & Professor
Email address: tgchen@shou.edu.cn
Contact: +86(21)61900851
Address: No.999, Huchenghuan Rd , Nanhui New City, Shanghai, P.R. China Zip Code:201306
Fields of Interest
Resource and Environment Economics, Fishery Economics, Food Economics
Ph.D. Agricultural Economics , Ehime University, Japan ,2006
M.A. Agricultural Economics , Ehime University, Japan ,2003
B.A. Accounting, Southwest University, China, 1997
Academic Experience
[5] Professor & Vice Dean, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China 01/2017 – Now
[4] Associate professor, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China , 01/2009 – 12/2016
[3] Visiting Scholar, Georgia University, Georgia, America, 04/2013-03/2014
[2] JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 11/2006-10/2008
[1] Assistant Teacher, Southwest University, Chongqing, China, 1997 – 1999
Main Publications In Peer-Reviewed Journals
[15] He, Y.; Chen, T*. Does the 10-Year Fishing Ban Compensation Policy in the Yangtze River Basin Improve the Livelihoods of Fishing Households? Evidence from Ma’anshan City, China. Agriculture, 2022, 12, 2088. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12122088
[14] Chen, T., & Wang, H. (2022). Consumers' purchase intention of wild freshwater fish during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Agribusiness, 2022,1–18. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21756
[13] Chuyi Shen, Tinggui Chen*, Impact of fuel subsidies on bottom trawl fishery operation in China, Marine Policy, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2022.104977.
[12] Tinggui Chen, Hui Wang, Consumers' purchase intention of wild freshwater fish in China from the perspective of ecological protection, British Food Journal, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-05-2021-0596.
[11] He Yufeng, Chen Tinggui1※, Yang Yang, Influence Factors and Improvement Strategies for the Satisfaction with the Fishing Ban Policy in the Yangtze River Basin: A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, 2021 (in Chinese).
[10] CHEN Ting-Gui , ZHONG Yan-Qiu, Impact of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia on Imported Seafood Consumption, World Agriculture, 2021, 510(10): 14-32 (in Chinese).
[9] CHEN Ting-gui, LIU Fang, YANG Yang. Performance evaluation and influence factors of ecological compensation policy in the Yangtze River Basin: The case study of Hubei and Guizhou provinces[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2021, 36(12): 3144-3155 (in Chinese).
[8] Tinggui Chen, Yan Wang ,Caleb Gardner, Feng Wu, Threats and Protection Policies of the Aquatic Biodiversity in the Yangtze River, the Journal for Nature Conservation , 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnc.2020.125931.
[7] Lin Gan, Chen Tinggui, The Impact of Outward FDI on the Improvement of Resource Allocation Efficiency—Analysis based on agricultural processing industry, World Economy Studies, 2020(07): 46-59 (in Chinese).
[6] CHEN Ting-gui, LIN Gan and YABE Mitsuyasu, Impact of Outward FDI on Firms’ Productivity over the Food Industry: Evidence from China, China Agricultural Economic Review. 2019,11(4): 655-671.
[5] T. Chen, M. Liu, Y. Takahashi, J.D. Mullen, G.C.W. Ames, Carbon emission reduction and cost–benefit of methane digester systems on hog farms in China, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2016, 59(6): 948-966.
[4] CHEN Tinggui, Linsheng CHEN, Hiroshi YOKOGAWA and Mitsuyasu YABE, Equity, Efficiency and Farmland System in China, J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ., 2011, 56(2): 431-438.
[3] CHEN Tinggui and B. HUANG, Study on Good Agricultural Practice in Japan, World Agriculture, 2010, No.5, 62-65. (in Chinese)
[2] CHEN Tinggui and B. Hu, The Development and the Determinants of Large-Scale Livestock Farming in China with regard to Hogs and Broilers. Journal of Agricultural Development Studies, 2006, 24-32. (in Japanese)
[1] CHEN Tinggui, B. Hu and M. Okuma, Mechanisms of Business Development of Agricultural Corporations, Japanese Journal of Farm Management, 2005, 33-43. (in Japanese)
[10] “Performance Evaluation and Optimization of the Ecological Compensation Policy for Fishing ban in the Yangtze River Basin”, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 72173084, PI, 2022-2025.
[9] “Tracking Study on Retired Fishermen of the Yangtze River Basin”, PI, 2021-2022.
[8] “Analysis of Ecological Compensation Measures for Fishery Related Projects”. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,PI, 2020-2021.
[7] “Compensation System and Livelihood of Retired Fishermen in the Yangtze River.” Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, Grant No. 2019BGL011, PI, 2019-2021.
[6] “Protection and Management Strategy of Biodiversity in the Yangtze River.” Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,PI, 2019-2020.
[5] “Planning of Aquatic Organisms Protection Project in the Yangtze River.” Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,PI, 2019-2020.
[4] “Analysis of the Economic Status of Trawler Fishery Industry in China.” East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, PI, 2018-2019.
[3] “Calculation Model of Fishermen's Compensation for Fishing Ban in the Yangtze River Basin.” Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,PI, 2018-2019.
[2] “The First Marine Economic Survey in Fengxian District of Shanghai.” Fengxian District Water Affairs Bureau of Shanghai Municipality, PI, 2017-2019.
[1] “Environmental and Economic Benefits of Low Carbon Agricultural System Based on Biogas Project of Hog Farms.” Shanghai human resources and Social Security Bureau, Grant No. 15PJC062, PI, 2015-2017.
Academic Appointments
Deputy director of Yangtze River Aquatic Ecosystem Protection Strategic Research Center of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.
Vice chairman of Food Economics Committee of Chinese society of Agricultural Economics
Director of Shanghai food society and Secretary General of food economy committee
Member of Academic Committee of Shanghai Ocean University
Proficient in Japanese and Fluent in English
President of Chinese Students Association in Ehime (2004-2005)
Good at Basketball, Tennis, Swimming, Karaoke